South Carolina Senator Tim Scott said it well in his speech to the nation in July 2016, during a time of racial chaos and confusion with tempers flaring high. Scott said, “America, We are family. Let's sit down at the table and discuss our differences and come together.” I envision the group of 10 occupants sitting around the crowded table in our healing home, coming together as a family with diverse backgrounds, races, cultures, but with one sole purpose of finding similarities, which help to bring unity, integration, rehabilitation, and healing. Always remember to make room for that special someone who can join in at the table and become like family. 

    Healing Homes Forever Family’s logo conveys the heart of this ministry. Our logo is a table with a bowl of fruit on top. The table represents coming together as a family in love and unity. The fruit represents Fruits of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self Control, which we all strive to attain as we become the “Better Me”. There are eight grapes in the fruit bowl representing the eight participants. In Hebrew numerology, the Hebrew word eight means new beginnings. The pear and the apple on each side of the eight grapes represents two mentors at their side.

    Come to the crowded table. Everyone is welcome, seen, and matters. Everything is forgiven with mercy, so come as you are bringing your heart. You will always have a place at the table of grace. The cups never empty and the plates always full. We were hungry. We were thirsty. Just when all hope was lost, love opened the door for us. Come meet this crew of misfits. Sin and shame can be left at the door. Sit down and be set free. Pull up a chair!

    I believe misfits can become influential, powerful leaders. David in 2nd Samuel 23:8-38 took a group of misfits and trained them to become mighty champions, David's mighty men. I have a son in a South Carolina prison, and I know the heartaches and struggles both the family and the loved one encounters. My passion is to help these women reenter into society and rebuild their lives. I want to help others with what I have been through myself. Second Corinthians1:4 NIV says it well, “Who comforts us in all our tribulation, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

    Click here to watch Facebook Live

    This was my 2nd time doing a Facebook live in July 2016 during a painful time in our country and a very difficult time in my life. Brian, my son, entered prison 3 months later. I was so inspired by Sen. Tim Scott so I spoke my heart to America too!

    The article Prison Penalty: Unemployment, Homelessness and Educational Exclusion explains that formerly incarcerated people are at an extreme disadvantage when it comes to rebuilding a safe, stable life. South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who grew up in poverty, understands the importance of providing opportunities for the poor and needy. He spearheaded the successful program called "OPPORTUNITY ZONES", which encourages businesses with incentives to locate in disadvantaged neighborhoods offering more job opportunities. Senator Scott's book, America. A Redemption Story is about choosing hope, creating unity. This is what Healing Homes Forever Family program will give to these disadvantaged women. Our communities need to help their returning citizens have better opportunities at reentry success. 

    I have an idea of how to expand this successful program of OPPORTUNITY ZONES. Further expansion of OPPORTUNITY ZONES would be zones designated in advantaged neighborhoods. These 8 disadvantaged women participants in our Healing Homes Forever Family can live in an advantaged neighborhood where there is a mall, businesses, restaurants, technical college, university, health clinic, hospital, a public bus transit, bank, post-office, hair salon, fitness club and a grocery store in close proximity, creating for them an abundance of job opportunities and convenient services. This is a "LOADED RECIPE FOR SUCCESS”. With the short staffing problems in our communities, businesses will want to hire our participants who have been mentored, trained, healed, and changed into law abiding citizens, bestowers and leaders, empowered to make a profound positive impact in our communities.

Healing Homes Forever Family

Mission Statement:

Healing Homes Forever Family, a 501c3 non-profit, exists to empower women transitioning from prison, providing them with an innovative, nurturing environment through our '10 People Model' that reshapes thoughts and desires, fostering mental well-being and effective rehabilitation. Healing Homes Forever Family brings healing and rehabilitation to formerly incarcerated women through mentorship, prayer, therapy and training, grounded in Biblical truths.

Vision Statement:

Healing Homes Forever Family envisions a future where women's unique desires, different from men's, are understood and nurtured. Through this vision model, women find life's meaning, contributing their distinct perspectives to leadership roles, and enriching society with emotional depth and balance.

Project Description:

Healing Homes Forever Family is an innovative 12-month transitional program designed specifically for women prisoners in South Carolina. This project focuses on facilitating a holistic rehabilitation journey through an in-house reentry program. It uniquely integrates a family-style living arrangement, which is not just about providing housing but also about creating a nurturing and supportive environment. The core of this initiative is to establish these homes in privileged neighborhoods, offering a stark contrast and a fresh perspective to women who have primarily experienced underprivileged environments. This strategic placement aims to foster a sense of belonging, provide access to better resources, and encourage a positive shift in lifestyle and mindset, crucial for their successful reintegration into society.

Foundation of Successful Reentry

Donna Jarrell Ministries upcoming new project called Healing Homes Forever Family is the answer to meeting the critical needs of South Carolina women prisoners by bridging the gap between release from prison and a successful reentry into society. Healing Homes Forever Family is a reintegration program for women with a family style concept of a group of 10 occupants in a five bedroom home, 8 women along with a parenting team of two 24/7 mentors. In Hebrew numerology, the Hebrew word 'eight' means new beginnings, what these 8 women need. Healing Homes provides stable housing, the foundation of successful reentry, along with a rehabilitative model for life program developed by my mentor, Dr. Showalter Johnson, an internationally known psychologist, whose studies prove prisoners can be truly rehabilitated. True rehabilitation into society is first restoring someone back to health and a normal life through therapy and training after imprisonment.

Healing Homes Forever Family will provide an alternative environment, a spiritual environment more than a physical environment. This practical model is a blueprint which teaches methods of how to relate in a support group, doing things for the good of the group, not selfish motives. A collaborative environment with love and unity shapes the thoughts in their mind, and then corrects the desires in their heart. Their egotistical desires are changed, not wanting to reoffend and repeat crimes. Focusing on this Kingdom method of a group of 10 environment that shapes thoughts and desires is important to correction. Other Kingdom methods introduced are ego therapy treatment, correction of desires in a systematic way, and “souls on drips”, which reflects the environment model. Participants can go out to a job environment but come home to a healing family environment of oneness. Envision your soul on IV drips with continuous doses of healing medicines like acts of loving kindness, compassion, mercy and grace. Our vision is true rehabilitation through correction of the soul, attaining Godly attributes.

Goals and Objectives:


Bring Healing, Therapy and Training, and Rehabilitation to Poor, Needy Women Upon Release From Prison Who Have Little to No Family Support and Nowhere to Go and Invite Them into a Reentry, Residential Based, Structured 12 Month Program That Will Provide a Nurturing, Family Environment For the Group of Ten Occupants Which Will Result in Their Ability to Be Self Disciplined, Well Adjusted Individuals With Skill Sets To Reenter the Workforce and be Good Productive Citizens, Dramatically Decreasing Recidivism and Increasing Legislative Support.


  • Learn how to use prayer in a rehabilitative way to internally examine and correct their souls, attain Godly character attributes, and become the new, better version of themselves. 
  • Develop mutual, responsible, relational skills for the “good of the group” through spiritual, psychological guidelines of Ego Therapy Treatment with conflict resolution strategies, journeying from self to others, transcending their egos, becoming bestowers to their communities, loving their neighbor as themselves. 
  • Develop job readiness skills with GED, Tech & College courses, learning how to build resumes and conducting interviews to help get stable, tailor-made jobs to make a living.
  • Learn a rehabilitative model for life program, bringing correction and change of negative behaviors and integration and oneness within the group. 
  • Celebrate the success of others in the group by words of affirmation & acts of service.
  • Become leaders by helping others with what they have been through themselves. 
  • Find meaning and purpose in life by discovering their God-given gifts and talents, using them to bless the community.
  • Become healthier individuals, improving their health with better eating and exercising habits.
  • Experience healing in their souls, with mental illnesses, substance abuse, damaged emotions and childhood traumas. 
  • Find suitable housing upon exiting the program at the end of 12 months. 



Methods and Strategies:

Mentorship Teachings by Dr. Showalter Johnson


    Healing Homes is the answer to solving the current problem of how to achieve true rehabilitation of prisoners reentering society. The vision is to achieve healing and true rehabilitation through the correction of the soul. Simple, practical truths are wise, spiritual building blocks that can be found in the thought and structure of creation. The thought of creation teaches us mutual responsibility for each other. Everything in creation is working in uniformity. We are all tied and woven together in a system of integration and connection. God’s grand plan for humankind gives us a model for life on how to live and exist correctly. His ancient way and intended design since the foundation of the world is a lifetime process of correction and change as we strive to be more like Him, a newer, better me.

    When God blew his breath of life, His spirit, into Adam, the progenitor of man, Adam became a living soul. The spirit of God lives in the soul of man. Adam tasted and experienced a perfect, heavenly world inside the Garden of Eden and fell into a fallen world where sin abounds. Adam’s deepest desire became correcting and rehabilitating his soul to get back to his intimate relationship with his Holy God, wanting to become more like his Creator, having been made in His image and His likeness, desiring to attain Godly attributes, like his Father. With the root of healing and rehabilitation being in the soul of man, where man first began, one realizes that sicknesses begin in the soul which is our mind, will, and emotions. 3 John 2 says, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. The Kingdom of God is within us. Luke 17:21 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 Deep-rooted questions arise in subconscious minds as to the purpose of our existence and the meaning of life. They can now be answered when we perceive and understand these universal principles of wisdom, applying and teaching others Kingdom methods and strategies, laying a solid foundation for how to attain a rehabilitative model for living with true, lasting positive outcomes that will benefit ourselves and others. These teachings provide a greater, deeper understanding of life and when applied, they yield much fruit, growth, and correction.


    Why a group of ten in a family home environment? We gain insight from the beginning of creation with the first intended design of the family being revealed with Adam and Eve. In Genesis 1:28 God told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion upon the earth. Qualified, authoritative role models become part of the parenting management team helping to exemplify the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) so these Godly character attributes can grow and multiply throughout the group. The parenting team represents an image of a loving Father who welcomes back wayward, prodigal sons and daughters who humbly come with a willingness to change and correct themselves, and an accepting, merciful mother who has an unconditional love for her family. 

    The heart of this reintegration program is the group of ten concept birthed from ancient Biblical times. God told Abraham if he could find ten righteous people in the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah who would pray, then God would save those cities from destruction. In Hebrew numerology, the Hebrew word ten means congregation. Ten is the perfect number constituting how to exist correctly relationally in a group. Laying down selfish motives for the good of the group creates love and unity, two key components needed for living and working together as a family, enabling everyone to gain an unbeatable advantage toward any problems that lie ahead. Our motto “Forever Family” establishes the idea of the importance of helping one another, having this lifetime family group of ten support system with continued communication amongst one another, even after reentering back into society. True happiness and success come not from serving for personal gain, but serving to help others, fulfilling the commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself. Ten is the exponential number for growth. In Moses’s method of administration in Exodus 18, he organized leaders over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten. God honored the faithful service of the rulers of tens as much as the service of the rulers of thousands. 

    God designed ten to represent a spiritual body or environment. When we create the right conditions, one begins to see the true beauty of how it works when the people in the group of ten begin to feel it. This beautiful model transforms the environment and brings correction from within. Ten people come together and form a small culture or environment and learn how to integrate and become one, causing the environment to grow and grow gradually till change comes. Environments develop a person. This model of ten blueprint is a properly arranged, organized environment that brings and affects change, helping mentally and emotionally with whatever healing the individual needs. Environments influence thoughts and thoughts influence desires. One strategy is to play peaceful, instrumental classical music while one is sleeping. This special, created environment can help bring healing to our souls, our mental and emotional being. By using self-reflection, constructive criticism, and acknowledgment of mistakes, participants can nurture one another in the group, creating a thriving environment of growth, as they learn the art of empathy, collaboration, and cooperation.


    These methods of correction to change ourselves do not impose a religion on people. Religious people, highly egotistical, want to change God’s mind as they pray theirwill be done but God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God never changes.  Participants are taught to align their prayers with God’s will and purpose being accomplished in their lives. Using this method brings one out of a restrictive, religious mindset into a liberating mindset. With these teachings comes correct perceptions about our creator God, along with growth, change, and attainment of reaching one’s purpose and destiny.

    Psychological methods from the 19th century with Sigmund Freud have failed and stopped working, not helping people understand one another at the soul level. The science of psychology studies and locates corporal beastly behaviors, and evil inclinations of human beings such as lying, stealing, and murdering and only breaks down behavioral disturbances and measures behavior with psychiatry’s antidote being drugs. People are arguing, and fighting like never before in our clubs, schools, churches, and communities. These reliable methods use effective, spiritual psychological guidelines for the healing of the mind and emotions within our souls. Using prayer in a rehabilitative way to change and correct our souls is a key primary method that helps to reframe our minds and heal our emotions.  


    Ego Therapy Treatment is another method that addresses and deals with the selfish ego within our souls. The soul guides the ego. Our spirit and ego are in the soul. If the soul is not prospering, it means the ego has a strong grip on it. The ego, our conscience, tells lies, impairs our judgment, and causes self-deception. True correction is not done by oneself but integrally in a group, learning to replace selfish desires with mutual, responsible desires of the group. When we realize we become better togetherthan in isolation with ourselves, we gain an understanding of the group method of true correction and become stronger in defeating the selfish grip of the ego. In prison,the ego is suppressed and restricted. Upon reentry, one must rise above the ego, and build their lives on top of the ego. The ego grows daily and does not take a vacation so one must learn to harness it and control it.  We are not getting rid of the ego but learning how to use the ego in ahealthy manner. The battle being fought is between the soul and the ego when we are making decisions.

    Ego therapy treatment is a psychological guideline we must use for a lifetime as a maintenance program. The bigger picture is that God designed the ego, so we need to study its patterns, evolve, and tame it to rise above it. The ego is the cancer behind all relationships. We are all egotistic in nature. All of us need therapy to restrict our ego. What is the spiritual root of why people repeat wrong behaviors and go back to jail? A person repeats and does the things that they find pleasure in, not restricting what their ego wants. The ego is the motor behind everything we do. The ego causes people to prosper and make money at the expense of others. All conflict resolution in prisons is because of ego and prisoners expressing their ego in an unhealthy manner.  A strategy for correcting the ego is when ten people come together in a group, mirroring each other, willing to restrict and submit to one another. When shifting their behaviors from self to others, they become their neighbor’s keeper. A person who serves their ego only responds in the group to what they are interested in, their self-interest, but a person who tames their ego celebrates with others in their successes and accomplishments. These observations in the group can help show people areas within themselves they need help in doing better and cause them to strive to change into contributors and bestowers within the group.  Dr. Johnson’s rehabilitative program has an Ego Measurement Tool Kit Checklist which helps you understand the ego’s influence and signs of an unhealthy ego, along with exercises to keep your ego in check.    

    Why is Ego Therapy so important for treating prisoners? Because the Ego is the root of all their misfortunes. The ego is the desire to fulfill pleasures at the expense of others to get money, power, honor, and knowledge. The ego is the greatest con artist, influencing them to make wrong decisions. Many struggle with an identity crisis, trying to find out who they are. The I, who you are, is opposite the ego. The ego hides the true self. Inside our true selves, God has placed attributes to fulfill our mission on earth. We are not to let the ego bury what we know deep inside is our calling and purpose. By learning how to restrict and correct their selfish egos, prisoners can avoid misfortunes that can lead them back into prison. This unlocks a whole new world of personal growth and development.

     In 2nd Samuel 23:8-38, King David gathered and trained a group of misfits, unlikely ones, into an army of champions who became known as his mighty, loyal warriors. I believe these poor and needy women can become future leaders, making a difference by doing great and mighty exploits in our communities. King David’s brothers were seen as the more likely ones to be chosen by God to be the king, but God sees the heart and favorsDavid, a young shepherd boy, the unlikely one, asking. Prisoners, the unlikely ones, need to understand the truth of their value established through God’s Word. Jeremiah 29:11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Why help women prisoners? When we look internally at the male ego and the female ego, the male ego goes through more complexities wanting to exist and be respected while the female ego wants to be honored and appreciated. A lioness seems aggressive when looking after her babies, yet only wants to be left alone to take care of them and is not aggressive. The role of a woman is to shape the environment for her children as she nurtures them. The role of a man is to shape the inner qualities of his children. His concern is how they will exist, and their name gets respect. A woman will run a nation the way she takes care of her children or the people around her. Therefore, I see such immense potential in these womenprisoners when rehabilitated. They have that loving, caring spirit that propels them to find fulfillment in helping and serving others, making a profound difference in theircommunities.

    Dr. Showalter Johnson’s comprehensive, rehabilitative program has an Ego Measurement Toolkit Checklist which helps you understand the ego’s influence and signs of an unhealthy ego, along with exercises to keep your ego in check.



    The trained mom and pop role model mentors interconnect within the group of ten, mirroring and reflecting Godly characteristics, along with leadership skills. I have been trained and mentored by Dr. Showalter Johnson with these invaluable teachings. Dr. Johnson is an internationally known psychologist. I clearly understand how to teach this model for life program so participants can learn to live an integral, successful lifestyle. Thesestrategies emphasize a multicultural, integrative group of ten with representation from the four basic races (blacks, whites, reds, yellows). They all come together discussingcultural differences, yet truly unify when they find some similarities and many same desires amongst themselvesin the group, along with desires to become more similar toGod. We cannot know a person by their color, culture, profession, or personality but need to look at their deepest desires within their souls. We truly know a person by their heart’s desires.

    There are practical methods and strategies on how to truly integrate the four races, going beyond racism and understanding the spiritual roots of race. The integration process suffers a deficiency with just one race so diversity of races is beneficial. Racism at its root is when people are not discovering how they are similar. We must look inside and learn how to develop desires of similarity which is a higher spiritual level. A person begins with a desire, an inward, internal thing. We must peel back and simply examine the essence of who they are. A conflict occurs because of the failure of not finding similarities with one another. A marriage relationship is a blueprint of how two people begin with opposite desires but as time goes on,they grow closer and closer reaching similarity, which is a true form of conflict resolution, intentional inward work. One of the most beautiful sights to see is a married couple who grow more deeply in love through their many years together, more than the love they experienced on their wedding day. A lady I know lights up with love sparkling in her eyes every time she speaks of her deceased husband, her wonderful soulmate of 65 years. Structured activities, practice exercises, and surveys can help develop the goal of not only subconsciously but consciously helping to train people to look for and find similarities. A model of true integration is learning how to attain love and unity within the group, productively living and working together in oneness.


    God provides methods and remedies based on how we perceive His Kingdom. By understanding that nothing appears in its true form and that God designed opposites that clash to help us perceive things in their true form, we can perceive conflict in the right way at a different angle choosing between two opposite sides, good and evil. This internal method of perceiving is conflict resolution in its truest form. A person cannot perceive true love without knowing hate, light without darkness, faith without fear. So,we perceive when we do good, there will be an opposing force, which is how the spiritual world is designed. Apostle Paul said, “Every time I do good evil is always present.” When choosing between 2 opposite sides, we begin to understand making a wrong decision causes us to descend, and when giving up an argument, we ascend.Prisoners returning to prison for the fifth time continue making descents and wrong choices. They need to be taught these practical, higher levels of decision-making. In Isaiah 45, God says,” I have created good and evil.” God establishes all things. The job of Satan is to bring that evil. We cannot blame the devil. We have been given free will and we must choose between opposites of life or death, good or evil, blessings or curses. By understanding and perceiving this pattern, these principles teach us to get prepared and to be ready to make good choices quicklyresolving the conflict. This is how we grow and develop spiritually as our perceptions widen with perspectives seeing things from above.


    Why do we need to teach prisoners a rehabilitative, practical strategy for using free will correctly? Because we live in an integral society. Many wrongly think free will is to do whatever they want. The ego dangerously cons them. People get pulled over by police and want to show their intelligence in knowing laws and proving themselves, focusing on their self-interest and rights. Choosing to express free will in the context of mutual relations, and others' interests, is the way of integration, deescalating the situation by simply saying yes sir or no sir between the police officer and the ego-driven individual. Using free willto the full potential, even if there is a violation of rights with racial profiling, is to be compliant, restraining the ego, being a good citizen, and thinking of your children, family, and community who see and watch your good behavior. This is a process of sensing how others feel and sensing the interest of society. Everyone feels it when the ego escalates the problem, and all are affected by it.  Expressing free will incorrectly causes one to spend more money in court at the exploitation and expense of taxpayers causing even more problems.

    Why do we have free will? We have free will to help us navigate through life. Prisoners beat themselves up but need to understand they are not losers and can fit in. The deep revelation and lesson are they chose the ego’s path of stress and suffering. They must learn how to use free will at a higher level, making wise choices and decisions. They must practice using spiritual desires leading to the path of correction and rehabilitation and recognize these two paths. Selecting self-interest with their free will is the longer path leading to mental and emotional illnesses. The shorter path is others’ interest and the path of repentance. We are all born into iniquity and begin with an egoistic nature. On this journey with our free will, we can choose to grow, evolve, and change from an egoistic nature into an opposite nature, exemplifying loving, giving Godly qualities and attributes.



Eight disadvantaged women reside in a Healing Home in an advantaged neighborhood with easy access to an abundance of jobs, services, and educational opportunities within close proximity.


• 8 specially chosen women & 2 parenting mentors

• Small 10-person family style group dynamic

• 10 is perfect number for existing correctly & relationally in a group

• Spacious, low-density, 5 bedroom home

• Creates a structured, supportive & nurturing environment

• Fosters community & mutual understanding

• A sanctuary for healing & personal growth

• Simple yet revolutionary in transforming lives

Board Of Directors


    Dr. Showalter Johnson, Chairman of Board for Healing Homes Forever Family

    Email: info@showalterjohnson.org

    Dr. Showalter Johnson is a renowned philosopher, business owner, political and economic strategist, philanthropist, bestselling author, and public figure who has dedicated his life and career to untangling the mental underworld to interconnect and unveil the script in the soul and explore its practical uses to make one’s life happier, healthier, and more prosperous than ever.


    Dr. Johnson is an expert in the seven sciences: anthropology, epidemiology, philosophy, political physics, psychiatry, sociology, and theology. He has studied at renowned universities such as Yale University, Harvard University, and more. Dr. Johnson chose to focus on these seven sciences as they directly branch from nature, leading him to understand better how to serve people.


    As a political strategist, Dr. Johnson aids leaders and politicians with a unique set of expertise that has helped world leaders navigate large-scale crises and issues facing the planet.


    As the owner of the WellerX Company, Dr. Johnson is considered a scientist of the soul. He is often fondly referred to as The Soul Dr. or even the Dr. of Desires. His philosophy goes beyond the brain to explain raw human desires and impulses.


    As the Spiritual Leader of the Commonwealth Embassy, he connects and elevates people on the spiritual level. Dr. Showalter also leads entrepreneurs seeking to connect with like-minded individuals. He has been invited to speak at the Billionaire Roundtable. In addition, he has been asked to visit countries such as Ecuador to provide crucial economic development and funding strategies for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.


    As a book author, Dr. Johnson has published fourteen books and is known for being a pivotal thought leader and keynote speaker on Commonwealth Contrarian topics. One of his books was recognized by the United States South Carolina House of Representatives for content about governmental strategies. Furthermore, his impeccable work there earned him his own Showalter Johnson’s Day in the southern state.


    Dr. Johnson’s passion is teaching others about his research regarding human and spiritual development and rediscovering your peak living while helping find balance. His extensive research has earned him numerous invites to collaborate with international research institutes and to participate in prominent think tanks.


    He is lovingly known as a humanist and has been invited to the United States Congress for his innovative approach to leadership development.


    Donna Jarrell, Founder/Chief Executive Officer

    Email: info@donnajarrellministries.com

    Jarrell graduated from Winthrop College in Rock Hill, SC with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and furthered her studies at the Citadel in Charleston, SC with a Master of Education degree. She is an experienced teacher, having taught in both public and private Christian schools in grades ranging from first through fifth. She worked as a reading consultant in a Title 1 Program, providing instruction to disadvantaged students with low reading test scores.

    In 2016 Jarrell founded MODD, Mothers Of Drunk Drivers, which later changed to POID, Parents Of Intoxicated Drivers, helping felony DUI prisoners and their families through mentorship, counsel and prayer, grounded in Biblical truths. In 2021 Jarrell founded Donna Jarrell Ministries and became an ordained minister. Jarrell has five years of mentorship and training under Psychologist Dr. Showalter Johnson, lovingly called the soul doctor, with his invaluable teachings on true rehabilitation by correction of the soul. This has led to her heart’s desire to mentor, train, heal, and transform SC women prisoners’ lives in a one year, In-House reentry, model for life program!

     Jarrell is the author of The Radical New Me: My Journey of Faith which shares how to become the “Better Me” as we strive to overcome trials and tribulations, and fulfill our purpose and destiny in life.


    Dr. Robert Bailey, Vice Chairman

    Email: rtbailey16@outlook.com

    Dr. Bailey over his career is truly a renaissance man having studied both medicine and pharmacy, vocal performance of Classical music, and has been ordained as a Christian Medical Ministry, able to diagnosis and treat the “Whole Person”, Body mind and spirit.  He is best described as one who looks for opportunities to lead and inspire others in every field he has pursued.


    Dr. Bailey earned the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and the Doctor of Medicine (MD) and residency training in both hospital based Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology and Family Medicine. In between his Clinical Pharmacy education and training and Family Medicine, Dr. Bailey served as Director of Surgical Research at Creighton University School of Medicine and was promoted and tenured as Associate Professor of Surgery and Pharmacy throughout the 1980s where from his grant submissions he and other faculty

    within the Department of Surgery received over one million dollars in research funding. 


    Dr. Bailey developed and ran a comprehensive Surgical Research Program that worked both with medical Students and Surgical Residents and Research Fellows from all over the world to carry out research in upper and lower gastrointestinal motility and cardiovascular topics including an electrically driven left ventricular assist device a type of artificial heart device (LVAD) to bridge patients to heart transplant.  Dr. Bailey was the project leader for the LVAD program at Creighton in the 1980s.


    Later Dr. Bailey returned to medical school and specialized in Family Medicine and latter in Concierge Medicine, in which he published a book in 2021 on this for both patients and doctors desiring to deliver this innovative personalized medicine. Dr. Bailey is recognized as a thought leader in Family Medicine and how its transformation is the key to healthcare reform.


    Dr. Bailey is also an ordained Christian medical minister and is trained in delivery of “whole person medicine” in the blending of prayer and medicine and in identifying and treating the patient as a triune person:  body, soul, and spirit. Dr. Bailey is called both into the ministry and into medicine. Several years ago he created a 501C3 to both advance accurate teaching of the Judeo-Christian Bible Scriptures, and to work for serious reform of health care in the United States at the primary care level.


    Besides having extensive experience in program development and grant submissions in which he was previously a co-investigator on a grant he helped develop and receiving funding from the National Institute of Health and the Health Futures Foundation.  He also served on the Board of Trustees (2003-2016) for a multi campus Christian Church in Scottsdale, Mesa, and downtown Phoenix in which he and his wife Johanna helped the senior pastors break ground on the original campus in Scottsdale in 2004.


    Leslie Williams, Secretary/Treasurer

    Email: lesliemariewilliams@gmail.com


    ❖ PC and Mac Savvy with proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook

    ❖ Salesforce, OSI, One Domain, AdConnections, Google DFP, Prime Lingo, Matrix, ClearSlide, Eport, Adsell

    ❖ Sales - Advertising - Marketing – Software - Self-Motivated – Goal-Oriented – Organized - Competitive




    University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC 2006-2009

    Bachelor of Science, Business AdministrationDecember 2009

    ❖ Major: Marketing |   Minor: Psychology | GPA: 3.83 | Magna Cum Laude

    ❖ South Carolina LIFE Scholarship, President’s List and Dean’s List

    ❖ May Mester Abroad: International Sports Marketing with the NRL in Sydney, Australia



    Thryv | Charleston, SC Nov 2015 - Present

    Business Advisor

    Present and set up business management software, digital & print advertising to grow revenue for 200+ existing customers and acquire new business revenue. Conduct needs analyses to provide business solutions such as CRM, social media, websites, SEO, invoicing, payments, calendars, listing management, e-mail and text campaigns, video and more.

    ❖ President's Club Winner 2019 and 2022

    ❖ Ranked #1 in sales out of 116 in the South Region, exceeding annual goal within the first 2 months of 2019.

    ❖ Won 3 new business contests in 2018 for extra bonus cash.

    ❖ Exceeded 2016 new business budget by 150+% while earning new business contest trip to NYC VMAs.

    ❖ Sales Advisory Board Member; 16 top performers out of 2,000+ sales representatives nationwide

    ❖ Mentor new hires to guide them with best practices.


    Our priority is to help poor and needy women who have little to no family support with nowhere to go and who have a humble willingness to be changed into the best version of themselves. Three letters of recommendation are required from prison chaplains, case managers, supervisors, and  one letter can be from an outside source, along with the completion of an entry questionnaire of why they want to be chosen as participants in our program. They are required to have worked a job and earned good work/behavior credits in prison. 

    Another priority is to help South Carolina felony DUI women who must overcome more insurmountable barriers than other prisoners. After paying their debt to society, they are not able to drive for five years unless they pass a costly ADSAP course and then get expensive ignition interlocks installed in their cars for five years with monthly payments, along with payments for a car, insurance, and gas. These added costs make it even more difficult to find a job upon release because of this transportation issue. Healing Homes will be providing transportation to and from their jobs. Being labeled violent felons causes them to encounter even more barriers. Felony DUI is an unintentional car accident. An incorrect stigma follows them due to South Carolina classifying felony DUI as violent criminals, serving 85% of a 25 yr. max sentence with no work/good behavior credits and no parole, unlike most other states in our nation who classify felony DUI as a nonviolent crime, even if there is injury or death, serving 51% of much lower max sentences.


    Because it is the community’s responsibility to help its returning citizens to not go back to prison and to work at lowering recidivism rates, which is costly to taxpayers. A recent Prison Policy Initiative showed the unemployment rate for the formerly incarcerated is 27%, five times higher than the rates for the rest of America. Being African American or Hispanic, especially women, reduces their employment chances even more. Jesus speaks about feeding the hungry, helping the poor and needy, visiting the sick and those in prison. He says in Matthew 25:40 NIV “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” 

    In April 2023, the Sentencing Project reported over the past quarter century there has been profound change in the involvement of women within the criminal justice system. This is the result of more expansive law enforcement, stiffer drug sentencing laws, and post-conviction barriers to reentry that uniquely affect women. Between 1980 and 2021, the number of incarcerated women increased more than 525%, rising from a total of 26,326 in 1980 to 168,449 in 2021. Though many more men are in prison than women, the rate of growth for female imprisonment has been twice as high as that of men since 1980.



FUNDING PRESENTATION by Donna Jarrell Executive Director



    To Whom It May Concern,

    I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Donna Jarrell, the esteemed founder and chief of Healing Homes Forever Family, for her exceptional contributions in strategic planning, mentorship, and rehabilitation of women prisoners. With a career rooted in education and a profound commitment to transformative growth, Donna epitomizes the qualities of a visionary leader and compassionate mentor.

    Donna's academic journey, beginning with a bachelor’sdegree in elementary education from Winthrop College, Rock Hill, and culminating in a Master of Education from the Citadel, Charleston, SC, laid a solid foundation for her pioneering work. Her role as a Reading Consultant in a Title I program showcased her dedication to serving disadvantaged students, further amplifying her impact on those in need.

    The founding of POID (Parents of Intoxicated Drivers) under her leadership marked a significant milestone in her career. This initiative, aimed at supporting families affected by the challenges of intoxicated driving, reflects Donna's deep understanding of the issues faced by this community. Her commitment extends beyond traditional support methods, incorporating specialized training in soul development, ego therapy, and the correction of desire. These innovative approaches are testament to her expertise in addressing the unique psychological and emotional needs of women.

    Donna's nuanced understanding of the female psyche, particularly the distinct soul and ego aspects of women, sets her apart. Her tailored mentorship programs, designed to rehabilitate women, resonate with a profound understanding of gender-specific challenges and opportunities. Her methods, steeped in mental health awareness and empathy, have been instrumental in fostering significant personal growth and support among her mentees.

    In summary, Donna Jarrell's exceptional leadership, educational background, and innovative approach to support and mentorship make her an invaluable asset to any initiative focusing on transformative growth and empowerment. I am confident that her continued endeavors will bring about meaningful change and leave a lasting impact on the lives of many.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further insights into Donna's remarkable capabilities and contributions.


    Dr. Showalter Johnson


    To Whom It May Concern:

    My name is Kyle Anderson, I’m 37 years old and residing in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2012 I was arrested in North Carolina on drug trafficking charges. I completed my prison stint and probation in late 2015. I had nowhere to go. My parents were separated. My biological mom didn't even have her own place. She was staying with my aunt. My father and I had a distant relationship. While I was in jail in North Carolina, Mr. Rick Jarrell mentored me every week. We would have our weekly calls and Bible study via zoom call. When I got out, Mr. Jarrellknew I had no place to go and didn't want me going back to the streets so he and his wife, Mrs. Donna Jarrell, took me into theirhome. When I moved in, they began to teach me the core values of making an honest living and led me back to my Christian roots and foundation. Mr. Rick, Papa J, did not charge me for rent. He knew I had never worked a real job and that I needed to learn the value of hard work, so he gave me chores around the house like yard work, painting, or helping him at his gym. I then knew what it would feel like to work to pay bills and this instilled confidence in me so that I could go out and get a job.Mrs. Jarrell, Mama J, would always cook me warm, hearty meals and she would always pray with me. She showed me what genuine love was so it would make me more of a caring person and to this day, I still use those qualities that were poured into me from 2015 until mid-2017. 

    In late 2016 through Rick’s connections, I landed a job as a logistics coordinator at Fruit of the Loom where I saved up a few checks still staying under their roof. I was able to live on my own in 2017. Even when I moved out, they still mentored me in life.  We talked weekly. They are my second set of parents God sent to me. Without them, there's no telling where I would be in life. Now at age 37, I'm a truck driver pursuing starting my own company. I’m living on my own and have adapted back into society. I am close to making six figures a year. Donna and Rick Jarrell, along with the work of God in my life, can take all the credit for my outcome. The love that was poured into me, like I was their biological child, and the hard work and present care that they gave to me at my lowest moments, propelled me into the God-fearing, caring, hard-working man I am today.


    Kyle W. Anderson


    1545 Wigwam Pkwy, Apt 1628

    Henderson, NV 89074


    Donna Jarrell and to whom it may concern,


    Please let this email serve as support and encouragement of others to also support the Healing Homes Forever Family non-profit, which will provide for one year a 5 bedroom stable home with a family style concept for reentry for eight women with 2 mentors 24/7 with a loving, nurturing family environment that shapes their thoughts and desires, along with a rehabilitative, model for life program. 

    As it has been proven, this is the foundation for successful reentry. The returning citizens, 

    disadvantaged women reentering society need to be in advantaged neighborhoods with opportunities for jobs and services within proximity in order to succeed. This is a loaded recipe for success. The 2 adjacent homes in Eagle Landing neighborhood will be used as a training facility for more mentors as the program expands and will bless the community by allowing a group of ten people, state and local legislators, generous donors and businesses who hire these 

    participants, access to have meetings there and brunches in the ten seater dining room, prepared by these women to see how they have helped to transform their lives. These women will be healed, mentored, trained and changed into productive citizens and leaders adding value to our communities. 

    Please carefully and prayerfully consider joining me in supporting this incredible organization. 

    Please reach out to me with any questions, Rep. Mark Smith, marksmith@schouse.gov


    Mark Smith 

    Representative, SC State House, District 99 

    327A Blatt Building., Columbia, SC 29201 

    803-212-6719 State House Office 

    843-442-8371 Cell 








    Recently, 60 million was given by Wells Fargo for a new reentry program for prisoners in the Upper State of South Carolina in the Spartanburg and Greenville area. We too need funding for successful reentry programs upon release in the South Carolina Lowcountry. Healing Homes Forever Family wants to meet this urgent need. As participants exit the Healing Homes program, they will leave with the group of 10 as their lifetime family support group and have a rehabilitative model to use for a life of continuous correction and change, striving to become more like God. Our motto, Forever Family, becomes a reality in their lives, etched and engraved in their hearts. They can look back and say, “There is no place like home.” Many have never experienced a home with a nurturing, loving family environment. 


    Our goal is to first raise $2,777,000 to purchase two adjacent five-bedroom homes by Fall 2025. One of the homes that comes already furnished is $1,777,000. This home will also be used as a facility to train other mentors as the project expands and to bless the community. The cost of the other home is 1 million.  Once the homes are purchased, additional money will be raised to help toward startup cost and implementation of the program.


     For fundraisers, participants can serve and host delicious brunches or dinners for a small “group of ten” around the beautiful dining room table for state and local government officials, generous donors, and business owners who helped to transform their lives, encouraging interconnectedness and unity within the community with southern hospitality at its finest. The Culinary Institute of Charleston is within close proximity, allowing participants to get excellent Chef training.     


    These Healing Homes need to be shared to bless the community. Fundraisers can include small “group of ten”  tours of this spacious, furnished home during the Christmas holidays. Many will love seeing the beautiful Christmas decorations, 25 nativity scenes and the beautiful, participant’s friendly faces, along with tasty Hors D’oerves served as we raise monies for a very worthy cause, the transformation of lives. Clothing companies can advertise by donating their clothes for the women participants to model in a fundraiser fashion show, along with volunteer beauticians and makeup artists.These outfits can be used for interviews or special occasions. A Fall fundraiser roundtable event with a well-known, motivational speaker can raise a substantial amount of funds.  Each sponsor hosts seven guests at their table and pays $800 for their $50 dinner, and the remaining half goes to the ministry. At the end of the event, guests are given envelopes to give their donations. A silent auction with donated Charleston tours and excursions, restaurant gift cards, and other various items can be held at both the fashion show and the roundtable event to get added revenues. 

    These women prisoners will feel the love poured out to them by the community and know there is compassion in this world and second chances. Giving back to the community and serving others becomes a blessing of true joy for them. Bringing the community together, creating lasting memories, and making connections is a great way to use these healing homes for our various fundraising projects. Other sources of income will come from grants, and individual and corporate donors. Please refer to the Healing Homes Forever Family strategic plan above which further explains in detail our vision of the projected growth and expansion of our program.   

Please give us a chance to help these disadvantaged women have opportunities for success by supporting Healing Homes Forever Family financially and with your prayers. All donations go toward the purchase of a home, along with operating cost to implement our program. 

Ways To Donate

You can donate through PayPal and Venmo with the links below, send a money order to our PO Box, or you can even donate your time through volunteering with us. Contact us today, and we will let you know other ways you can assist us in our common cause! Healing Homes Forever Family is a 501c3 nonprofit organization so your donations are tax deductible.

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